
The app/game link:




The final name for my Game/O nome definitivo para o jogo

The name for my game is... Autastico!!!

O nome para o jogo é...Autástico!!!

Too obvious? I do not think so.

Óbvio demais? Não achei.


I have to change the app icon/logo. The reason is simple: be more close to the Autism. I think its icon below shows a better idea.


A better name for the game...

I think the name "Lovism" is not what I really wanted.
So I decided to put "Brave Blue Heart". It will be a great tribute for all autists and children!

Below a image of the game icon so far:


New Game for autist/no-autist children coming soon: Lovism

Hi everyone!

The day is coming. I'm happy and proud to announce that my newest game is about to be released!
It is a educational game and will amuse our autist friends.
I hope you enjoy.
It will be released only for Android for a while...
As soon as i can, other platforms will also have its version.